Senin, 22 September 2014


Assalammualaikum Wr.Wb.

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen.
My honorable is the judge of speech contest
My honorable is the speech contestant participants.

Posted by : AMIR FAISAL, S.Pd.I

Global Warming Speech
Global warming is one of the most serious challenges facing us today. To protect the health and economic well-being of current and future generations, we must reduce our emissions of heat-trapping gases by using the technology, know-how, and practical solutions already at our disposal.
Tropical deforestation is the largest source of emissions for many developing countries, but slowing deforestation can’t solve the climate problem by itself. As forest-rich developing countries step up to take responsibility for reducing their emissions, all industrialized nations should not only support their efforts but, most importantly, reduce their own emissions and lead efforts to avert dangerous climate change.
For years we have heard so much about the causes of climate change, that we’ve missed the fact that there are simple, practical solutions that can slow this growing problem. Technologies exist today that can cut emissions of heat-trapping gases and make a real difference in the health of our planet. And these solutions will be good for our economy, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and enhance our energy security.
Global warming doesn’t just mean balmy February days in northern climes. It also means increasingly hot days in the summer, and a host of negative impacts that are already under way and are expected to intensify in the coming decades.
More heat waves will likely increase the risk of heat-related illnesses and deaths.
Cities and towns along the nation’s major rivers will experience more severe and frequent flooding.
Some areas will likely experience more extensive and prolonged droughts.
Some of our favorite coastal and low-lying vacation areas, such as parts of the Florida Keys and Cape Cod, will be much less appealing as sea levels rise, dunes erode, and the areas become more vulnerable to coastal storms.
Many families and businesses, who have made their living from fishing, farming, and tourism could lose their livelihoods, and others who love hunting, boating, skiing, birdwatching, and just relaxing near lakes, streams, and wetlands will see some of their favorite places irretrievably changed.
The solutions to climate change are here and it’s time we put them to use. If we get started today we can tackle this problem and decrease the unpleasant outcomes that await us if we do nothing. The steps we need to take are common sense. And, more often than not, they will save consumers money. The cost of inaction, however, is unacceptably high.
The scientific consensus is in. Our planet is warming, and we are helping make it happen by adding more heat-trapping gases, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2), to the atmosphere. The burning of fossil fuel (oil, coal, and natural gas) alone accounts for about 75 percent of annual CO2 emissions from human activities. Deforestation—the cutting and burning of forests that trap and store carbon—accounts for about another 20 percent.
Procrastination is not an option. Scientists agree that if we wait 10, 20, or 50 years, the problem will be much more difficult to address and the consequences for us will be that much more serious.
We’re treating our atmosphere like we once did our rivers. We used to dump waste thoughtlessly into our waterways, believing that they were infinite in their capacity to hold rubbish. But when entire fisheries were poisoned and rivers began to catch fire, we realized what a horrible mistake that was.
Our atmosphere has limits too. CO2 remains in the atmosphere for about 100 years. The longer we keep polluting, the longer it will take to recover and the more irreversible damage will be done.
Fuel-efficient vehicles. Renewable energy. Protecting threatened forests. These common sense solutions won’t only reduce global warming, many will save us money and create new business opportunities.
Best of all, these solutions exist now. We just need to insist that business and government take the necessary steps to make them available and affordable. Then we have to let consumers know what to do and provide incentives to help all of us make better choices.
The following five sensible steps are available today and can have an enormous impact on the problem CO2 remains in the atmosphere for about 100 years.

Pemanasan global merupakan salah satu tantangan yang paling serius yang kita hadapi saat ini. Untuk melindungi kesehatan dan ekonomi kesejahteraan generasi sekarang dan masa depan, kita harus mengurangi emisi kita panas-perangkap gas dengan menggunakan teknologi, know-how, dan solusi praktis yang sudah kita miliki.  
Deforestasi tropis merupakan sumber terbesar emisi bagi negara-negara berkembang, namun memperlambat deforestasi tidak bisa memecahkan masalah iklim dengan sendirinya. Sebagai kaya hutan negara-negara berkembang meningkatkan untuk mengambil tanggung jawab untuk mengurangi emisi mereka, semua negara-negara industri seharusnya tidak hanya mendukung upaya mereka tetapi yang terpenting, mengurangi emisi mereka sendiri dan memimpin upaya untuk mencegah perubahan iklim yang berbahaya.
Selama bertahun-tahun kami telah mendengar begitu banyak tentang penyebab perubahan iklim, bahwa kita telah melewatkan fakta bahwa ada sederhana, solusi praktis yang dapat memperlambat masalah ini berkembang. Teknologi yang ada saat ini yang dapat memotong emisi panas-perangkap gas dan membuat perbedaan nyata dalam kesehatan planet kita. Dan solusi ini akan baik bagi perekonomian kita, mengurangi ketergantungan kita pada minyak asing, dan meningkatkan keamanan energi kita.
Pemanasan global tidak hanya berarti hari nyaman Februari di climes utara. Ini juga berarti semakin hari panas di musim panas, dan sejumlah dampak negatif yang sudah berjalan dan diharapkan untuk mengintensifkan dalam beberapa dekade mendatang.
Gelombang panas lebih mungkin akan meningkatkan risiko penyakit yang berhubungan dengan panas dan kematian.  
Kota dan kota-kota di sepanjang sungai-sungai utama bangsa akan mengalami banjir lebih parah dan sering. Beberapa daerah mungkin akan mengalami kekeringan lebih luas dan berkepanjangan. Beberapa daerah favorit kami liburan pesisir dan dataran rendah, seperti bagian dari Florida Keys dan Cape Cod, akan jauh lebih menarik sebagai permukaan laut makin tinggi, bukit pasir mengikis, dan daerah menjadi lebih rentan terhadap badai pesisir.

Banyak keluarga dan bisnis, yang telah membuat hidup mereka dari perikanan, pertanian, dan pariwisata bisa kehilangan mata pencaharian mereka, dan lain-lain yang mencintai berburu, berperahu, ski, mengamati burung, dan hanya bersantai danau dekat, sungai, dan lahan basah akan melihat beberapa favorit mereka tempat irretrievably berubah.
Solusi untuk perubahan iklim di sini dan sudah saatnya kita menempatkan mereka untuk digunakan. Jika kita memulai hari ini kita dapat mengatasi masalah ini dan menurunkan hasil yang tidak menyenangkan yang menanti kita jika kita tidak melakukan apa-apa. Langkah-langkah yang perlu kita ambil adalah akal sehat. Dan, lebih sering daripada tidak, mereka akan menghemat uang konsumen. Biaya tidak bertindak, bagaimanapun, adalah sangat tinggi.
Konsensus ilmiah masuk Planet kita adalah pemanasan, dan kami membantu mewujudkannya dengan menambahkan lebih panas-perangkap gas, terutama karbon dioksida (CO2), ke atmosfer. Pembakaran bahan bakar fosil (minyak, batubara, dan gas alam) sendiri menyumbang sekitar 75 persen emisi CO2 tahunan dari aktivitas manusia. Deforestasi-pemotongan dan pembakaran hutan yang perangkap dan menyimpan karbon-menyumbang sekitar 20 persen lagi.

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