Senin, 22 September 2014


Oleh : 
Amir Faisal, S.Pd.I

Assalamuallaikum Wr.Wb.
The honorable the judge of English speech contest,
The honorable the teacher, brother and sister, and all of the participants of English Speech contest that happiness.
Good Morning ladies and gentlemen.
The first of all how pleased I’m to have an opportunity to stand here and deliver a speech in front of you. And the next let us praise and thank you to the God. That had given healthy of body and soul to us. So we can present all in this chance in the best condition. My speech title is …The Naughtiness of Teenagers ( Kenakalan Remaja).
Brother and Sister very well audiences.
      Talking about the naughtiness of teenagers are not foreign in our ears more. Many minors who are familiar with smoking, drugs, free sex, and involved many other criminal acts . My friends who I love and the teachers that I respect. This can occur because of these factors will support behavior change among teenagers, for example:
1.      Lack of parental affection.
  1.    Lack of supervision from parents.
  2.   Relationships with friends that are not comparable. etc.
Surely there is some way to resolve and prevent of the Naughtiness of Teenagers, for examples:
  1.    The strengthening of the science of religion
  2.     Do not try things that are forbidden religion and government
  3.     Have a concept of right living

Brother and Sister very well audiences.
The next generation should learn to plan our future, for a better life.Where are you going next ten years if you stay on the road now? You are free to choose, but the choices you choose today will determine what you will have, will be what you will have, and what you will do in your future. Because life is not just to be here . Happiness is not what you snooze in the future, happiness is what you design in the present.

Final word from me, thanks for all the attention. And see you in the next time and the next chances. Wassalaamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

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